File/Directory NameFile SizeFile Type
up to parent directory
DiagnosticSwitches0001 page 00015.tif 14,062,550Image
driver2coin.tif 1,340,330Image
driverSheet1coins.tif 557,318Image
driverSheet1coins1.tif 2,570,612Image
Figure1.tif 465,392Image
figure10.tif 638,366Image
figure11.tif 489,480Image
Figure12.tif 580,220Image
Figure2.tif 316,524Image
Figure5.tif 543,818Image
figure6.tif 460,676Image
figure7.tif 395,944Image
figure8.tif 452,740Image
figure9.tif 417,098Image
Fiigure3.tif 431,806Image
P4.tif 456,288Image
V VLScanUnitfigure1.5.tif 382,894Image
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