4xxx Series CMOS

Data Sheets

Here is a list of Data Sheets for various 4xxx series CMOS devices from various manufacturers.


Here is a collection of exercises you can do to get familiar with various 4xxx series CMOS devices. It gives you a basic concept of how the devices work.

Class Text

Here is a more lengthly text of an overall view of CMOS devices that gives definitions to words and phrases used in this web site.


This section shows some of the typical aplications of the 4xxx series CMOS devices.

CMOS Basics

Here you will find a less wordy version of CMOS basics than you will encounter in the Class Text section. This section is more printer friendly.


A question and answer session where you may research past questions our present your own questions and answer other posts.

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Copyright reserved on certain sections created by the writer / editor 2005 by Herschel W. Peeler. Other copyrights reserved by the original creators where noted.
For problems or questions regarding this web contact [hpeeler@eaglemtncasino.com].
Last updated: January 29, 2005.