The following is a list of products and/or companies that do what they say they do. Their prices are fair, and they have been honest when dealing with us.
- Dynaplot
- DynaPlot is a real-time chart control for technicaland scientific applications. Built-in tools such asautoscale, pan, scroll, stacked zoom, and cursorslet the user examine the data quickly and easily.Features include line, bar, and scatter plots;dynamic scaling of chart elements with windowextent; limit lines and tolerance masks withhighlighted tolerance violations for use inquality control applications; linear andlogarithmic scaling; automatic grid lines;and PNG- or JPG-encoded files for serverapplications. Multiple examples are includedin Visual Basic, Visual C, and .NET. There is also a .NET versionavailable. This is the best plotting packageI have used, and the display is highlyconfigurable. Although the author is in Germany,he also speaks English very well. I found hissupport outstanding. A free FULL trial ofhis software is available for download. The author also has some other software forsale, but I have not used them. NOTE: On thehomepage, click on the images to the left of eachdescription to go to that page. NOTE: is no longer a valid domain. I don;tknow if Wilhelm changed the domain to something else. If you can find his software - Try It!
Give Queensboro a try, and they are giving you a $20 instant credit to get started!They specialize in great quality custom logo apparel and promotional products withthe best customer service - and have been doing it for over 30 years now.- Motion Squared Design
- I went to school with the female side of this design team,and have been very impressed with her design skills,and attention to details. If you have any design work, I suggestyou contact them to improve your product!
- Proofreading
- Proofreading you work can save you tons of embarassement! of all types. Web, Legal, Education, etc. Have a fresh pair of eyes look at your work before your boss does!
- Roboform
- This program is a dream. I have been using it for over 15 years. It works in FireFox, IE, and Chrome (you don't need to create the same passwords for IE and Firefox - Roboform keeps them common).It keeps track of passwords, usernames, people, credit cards, etc. It makes filling in forms easy - no longer a chore. It can suggest passwords (based on the parameters you set). Protect all your passwords with a single password. I have not had any moments where I said "why did I buy this" after I upgraded to the pro version. I have been using this program for over 5 years, and have not had a problem with it. This is a GREAT product!